Visitor registration

Each visitor must have an account with a unique email address. If you registered earlier or created an account during the previous edition of the fair, you can log in. If you do not have an account yet - fill in the registration form below. You can buy a ticket after logging in to your account or registering.

Registration Form





Pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation; hereinafter referred to as GDPR) we hereby inform that:

  1. Controller of your personal data is Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie S.A. with its registered seat in Gdańsk (80-560) at ul. Żaglowa 11, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division under the KRS number: 0000038362, NIP [Tax ID No.]: 584 025 37 05, with a fully paid-up share capital of 48 242 650, 01 PLN.  
  2. You can contact the Controller by post at the address indicated in point 1 above or via e-mail at:
  3.  Your personal data will be processed for:
    a. performing the contract – under Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR, i.e. processing is necessary to perform the contract, the party to which is the data subject, or to undertake activities upon the request of the data subject before the contract is concluded,
    b. performing legal obligations, including effecting tax settlements and keeping accounting records – under Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR, i.e. processing is necessary to perform legal obligations of the Controller;
    c. possibly establishing, exercising or defending legal claims between you and the Controller – under Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR, i.e. under a legitimate interest pursued by the Controller, which is a possibility of exercising claims.
    d. archiving (evidential) purposes, which realize a legitimate interest consisting in safeguarding information in case of a legal need to perform obligations – under Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR
    e. the purposes indicated explicitly in the voluntary consent – with regard to the scope and purpose stipulated in the consent.
  4. No decisions with regard to you will be taken in an automated manner (subject to point 10), including in the form of profiling
  5. Your personal data may be disclosed to our IT service providers, entities rendering services related to providing security of the AMBEREXPO facility, advisory, legal and accounting services, entities authorized by the provisions of law, e.g. the police, tax authorities, public prosecutor’s office, customs authorities, as well as our subcontractors acting on our behalf.
  6. Your personal data may be made available to entities and authorities authorized to process such data under provisions of law.
  7. The Controller does not intend to transfer your personal data to either countries outside the European Economic Area or international organizations.
  8. Your personal data will be processed for the following period:
    - with regard to the performance of the contract concluded between and with the Controller, i.e. participation in the Fair or any other event organized by MTG, your personal data will be processed for the period of contract until it is performed and settled, as well as time within which provisions of commonly applicable law require the Controller to store such data,
    - with regard to the conducting of operational activities by the Controller, including statistics and reporting, your personal data will be processed as long as legitimate interests of the Controller exist, which constitute the basis for such processing, as well as time within which provisions of law require the Controller to store such data,
    - for archiving (evidential) purposes which realize a legitimate interest consisting in safeguarding information in case of a legal need to evidence facts, evidence the performance of obligations as long as legitimate interests of the Controller exist, which constitute the basis for such processing, as well as time within which provisions of law require the Controller to store such data,
    - for the purposes indicated in the voluntary consent – for the period indicated in the consent or until it is revoked, whichever occurs earlier..
  9. After the above mentioned periods lapse, your personal data will be stored until any possible legal claims become invalid by lapse of time.
  10. We also inform you that your personal data in the form of an image registered by CCTV at AMBEREXPO will be stored in order to ensure safety and security of people at the facility as well as to protect the property under Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. Staying on the AMBEREXPO premises equals granting consent to giving personal data in the scope indicated in this point. Should you refuse to grant such consent, you will not be authorized to stay on the AMBEREXPO premises.
  11. Your data referred to in point 10 will be processed in an automated manner – CCTV cameras record image continuously, the records will be stored depending on a size of the data recorded for the purpose of overwriting, no longer than three months from the recording or until legal proceedings have a final and binding closing.
  12. You have: the right to access your personal data, the right to rectification, erasure, limitation of processing of personal data, the right to object to the processing of personal data, the right to transfer your personal data.
  13. Within the scope in which the processing of your personal data is processed is based on the consent, you have the right to revoke it. Revocation of the consent does not affect the compliance with the right to process, which had been applied on the basis of the consent before it was revoked.
  14. In order to exercise any of the rights listed above, you should contact the Controller (contact data indicated above).
  15. Moreover, you have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority dealing with personal data protection (President of the Personal Data Protection Office) if you think that processing of data violates the GDPR.
  16. Within the scope in which we process your personal data for the purpose of concluding and performing the contract with the Controller (in particular within the scope necessary to handle orders, perform contracts to participate in fair, organize and settle exhibitions, conferences and accompanying events), giving your personal data is voluntary but necessary to conclude and perform the contract. Failure to give such data may result in refusal to conclude the contract with you. 

* I certify that I have read and agree to Regulations for the participants.


* I declare that, having regard to the provisions of Article 106 n of the VAT Act of 11 March 2004, I accept the sending and making available of invoices in electronic form. (mandatory field for ticket sales)

  • Position

  • owner of the company
  • president/chairman/managing director
  • manager
  • specialist
  • student/trainee
  • other
Dane firmy z bazy GUS

Interested in

  • infrastructure and investment
  • shipment and logistics
  • finance, consulting and counselling
  • tram and trolleybus transport
  • trade organizations
  • IT telecommunication
  • passenger rolling stock
  • tabor cargo
  • other (please specify)

Type of business

  • production
  • governmental administration
  • export
  • research
  • service industry
  • finance
  • local government
  • import
  • transport organizer
  • trade
  • trade institutions
  • other

Source of information about the fair

  • invitation from the organizer
  • invitation from an exhibitor
  • advertisement in the media
  • word of mouth
  • meeting during other trade exhibition
  • information from trade/associated institutions
  • social media
  • other (please specify)

Purpose of visit

  • looking for suppliers
  • looking for innovations
  • market research
  • search for representative
  • sustaining trade contacts
  • participation in seminar or conference
  • visiting the fair prior to making a decision to participate
  • other
  • private

Have you participated in previous editions of the event?

  • once
  • more than once
  • never

Login data

I express my consent to interact with other users of the service, which may involve passing my personal information included in my e-business card, such as my full name, company name, position, e-mail address and other information stored within the database of the Organiser. On behalf of those receiving my personal information, we inform about the right to access and correct the shared data, as well as the right withdaw the permission to process it.
I hereby express my consent to having my personal data entered in the database of the Gdańsk International Fair Co. (MTG SA) registered in Gdańsk, Poland,. Żaglowa 11, and consent to my personal data being used for marketing purposes (in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data Act of 29 August 1997, Journal of Laws 2002 No. 101, item 926 as amended). I will have access to my data and shall have the right to update it.